Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So I got the phone call today that I have been waiting for. I got the job at Marks Work Warehouse!! I start tomorrow. I'm so excited to finally have a job. I also have a job at Best Buy but that one doesn't start till the end of July. They are both part time. So hopefully one of them works out that I can keep it for the fall when I start school. Well that's all for now...later..

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Trying something new...

Well I have decided to try this blog thingy. We will see how it goes, see if i can remember to write on here.

Well just like the title says I am trying something new. Not just the blog but also in life. I have recently moved to Lethbridge. I have been here for 2 weeks now and lets just say I have mixed feelings about it. I love this city and I am glad that I am here because I am closer to my family and friends that I have not seen in years. But I miss my friends and "family" up in Edmonton. I didn't think it was going to be this hard. I keep thinking, "did I make the right decision to move here, should i have stayed in Edmonton for the summer then moved down, should I really be going back to school?", all sorts of crazy thoughts have been going through my head lately. Deep down I know that i did make the right decision and that once I start school in the fall I will love it but just getting there is the hard part.

Well I think that is all i'm going to write for now because I could go on and on.... so goodbye for now. Thanks for reading.